Pakistan Startup Report (2014)

Pakistan Startup Report 2014
For full coverage and analyses on the report please visit Pakistan, A Frontier Market Experiencing a Startup Revolution
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The Team
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To create the market saturation table we used the following criteria.
Market Saturation is a rating that describes how mature a particular Opportunity is in a given country. It is not the easiest to measure given so many factors involved. We have come up with five (5) general categories and their corresponding descriptions:
0 (Nonexistent) — There are no known players currently tackling this Opportunity. The market is wide open for any company to step in.
1 (Infancy) — One or more players are currently tackling this Mobile Opportunity in the local market, but it is still at its infancy. A great majority (95%+) of the target market is not aware of the solution, hence it is still an open market that can accommodate more players.
2 (Semi-Mature) — One or more players are currently competing in this Opportunity, and it is on its way to become a mature market. A quarter (25%+) of the target market are active customers of the participating companies. There is some difficulty for new players to be able to join the fray, but it is still possible.
3 (Mature) — One or more players are currently competing in this Opportunity, and it is definitely a mature market. Roughly 75% of the target market are active customers of the companies competing in this opportunity. The market is definitely resistant to the entry of new players.
4 (Saturated) — A number of players are aggressively competing in this particular Opportunity, and the market is saturated. Nearly all of the target market are active customers of the participating companies. Without a vastly superior solution and/or substantially large funding, entrepreneurs should steer clear of a heavily saturated market.